Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Dance Club! Photos Part 1, 1 - 15




Mr. Stathis teaches and maintains an International Folk Dance Club, volunteering his time on Fridays after-school from 3 to 5 PM. All his students were introduced to the Dances for the first 6 weeks of school during regular class time in order to expose them to it. Then, children had the option to join the special Club by special permission from Mr. Stathis and from the students' parents. Mr. Stathis's students from the previous school-year and other former Dance Club members are invitied to join as well. Other students who "hear" of the great joy of the Club from members and are interested, may apply to Mr. Stathis to join.


Dance Club begins with settling-in to a circle time to relax after the busy school-day, enjoy a snack together, and have pleasant conversation as part of the special Club.


Students enjoy one another's company in a way different from usual opportunities at School


Students like to dress-up on Friday in fine clothes to add to the ambiance of the Club.


Being finely dressed is not required but certainly adds to the atmosphere of this being a special time to Dance!


International Folk Dances are often "Circle Dances."




This Dance originates from Romania



The Scarf Dance!


Scarf Dance2



Mr. Stathis created the Scarf Dance using music from the Sound Track to the famous movie, "Ben Hurr."


Scarf Dance 4


Scarf Dance 5


Scarf Dance 6


Scarf Dance 7


The Dance, VeDaveed! from Israel. Here the girls take their turn to approach the circle center.


VeDaveed! 2. The boys' turn to approach the circle center.


See More Dance Club Photos! Click here.